Dr. Patrick Laux
- deputy group head
- Room: 063 Campus Alpin
- Phone: +49 8821 183-259
- patrick laux ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Kreuzeckbahnstrasse 19
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Research Fields:
- Impacts of climate change and -variability on agricultural productivity and terrestrial water balance in water scarce environment (e.g. Sub-Saharan Africa, Iran, NE Brazil) and complex terrain (pre-Alpine space in Germany)
- Decision support for agricultural, meteorological, and hydrological applications
- Seasonal climate forecasts and long-term climate projections (Dynamical Downscaling, Statistical Downscaling, Bias Correction)
- BMBF – Saldi
- BMBF – ViWat Engineering
- BMBF – SaWaM
Teaching Experience:
- Teaching at Institute of Geography, University Augsburg, at Masters levels in the course of the habilitation procedure (www.uni-augsburg.de/de/fakultaet/fai/geo/prof/georkl/uber-uns/p-laux)
- Developed and taught several courses for students and decision makers
- Co-supervision and mentoring of several PhD students of Regional Climate Systems Department
Selected Publications:
Laux P, Böker B, Martins ES, Vasconcelos Junior FdC, Moron M, Portele T, Lorenz C, Philipp A, Kunstmann H (2020) A semi‐objective circulation pattern classification scheme for the semi‐arid Northeast Brazil. Int J Climatol, 1–22, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6608
Quenum GMLD, Klutse NAB, Dieng D, Laux P, Arnault J, Kodja JD et al. (2019) Identification of potential drought areas in West Africa under climate change and variability. Earth Syst Environ 3: 429-444
Faye B, Webber H, Naab JB, MacCarthy DS, Adam M, Ewert F, Lamers JPA, Schleussner C-F, Ruane A, Gessner U, Hoogenboom G, Boote K, Shelia V, Saeed F, Wisser D, Hadir S, Laux P, Gaiser T.(2018) Impacts of 1.5 versus 2.0 degrees C on cereal yields in the West African Sudan Savanna. Environ Res Lett 13:034014
Laux P, Vogl S, Qiu W, Knoche HR, Kunstmann H (2011) Copula-based statistical refinement of precipitation in RCM simulations over complex terrain, Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15: 2401-2419
Laux P, Jäckel G, Munang R-T, Kunstmann H (2010) Impact of climate change on agricultural productivity under rainfed conditions in Cameroon - A method to improve attainable crop yields by planting date adaptations. Agr Forest Meteorol 150: 1258-1271