
Weather and Climate Modeling
- WRF (Contact: Benjamin Fersch, Patrick Laux)
- WRF-LES (Contact: Harald Kunstmann)
- COSMO-CLM (Contact: Gerhard Smiatek)
- MPAS (Contact: Gerhard Smiatek)
Coupled Atmosphere-Hydrology Modelling
- WRF-Hydro (Contact: Benjamin Fersch, Harald Kunstmann)
- WRF-HMS (Contact: Benjamin Fersch, Jianhui Wei)
Distributed Water- and Energy Fluxes Modeling
- GEOTop (Contact: Harald Kunstmann)
- WaSiM (Contact: Patrick Laux)
Statistical Downscaling
- Circulation Pattern Analysis (Contact: Patrick Laux)
- Copula based Multivariate Statistics (Contact: Patrick Laux)
Integration and Assimilation of Remote Sensing Information
- Terrestrial Microvawes Link Data (Contact: Christian Chwala)
- MODIS Data (Contact: Christof Lorenz)
- GRACE Satellite Data (Contact: Christof Lorenz)
Hydrological Process Analysis with Stable Water Isotops (Contact: Joel Arnault)
Hydrometeorological Observatories with focus on
- Precipitation Variability
- Stream Flow
- Soil Moisture
- Energy Fluxes
within TERENO and WASCAL (Contact: Benjamin Fersch, Christian Chwala, Sina Berger, Harald Kunstmann)