Current projects

Land Atmosphere Feedback Initiative (LAFI, DFG Research Unit) – Project P9: Impact of terrestrial hydrology on L-A feedbacks and isotope signatures (since 2024)
Contact: Joel Arnault, Harald Kunstmann
Merging of rain rate estimates from opportunistic sensors and geostationary satellites (MERGOSAT) Funding DFG
Contact: Christian Chwala
Development and transfer of a Seamless Prediction System for decision support in transboundary water management of the Blue Nile (SPS Blue Nile) (since 2023), Funding BMBF
Contact: Harald Kunstmann, Christof Lorenz
Development of an Operational, mUlTi-sectoral globaL drought hAzard forecasting SysTem (OUTLAST) (since 2023), Funding BMBF
Contact: Harald Kunstmann
Robust Environmental Sensor data using Explainable data-driven Anomaly Detection (RESEAD) (since 2022), Funding HelmholtzAI
Contact: Christian Chwala
SCENIC (since 2022), Funding Helmholtz Innopool
Contact: Benjamin Fersch, Harald Kunstmann
Boosting technologies of orphan legumes towards resilient farming systems in the Greater Mediterranean Region: from bench to open field (BENEFIT-Med) (since 2022), Funding PRIMA (EU)
Contact: Patrick Laux
Mitigating the risk of compound extreme flooding events: a trade-off analysis framework for coastal metropolises and its application (MitRiskFlood) (since 2021), Funding BMBF
Contact: Patrick Laux
Klimawandelanpassung auf regionaler Ebene: ansteigende Starkregenrisiken am Beispiel des bayerischen Oberlands (KARE) (since 2020), Funding BMBF
Contact: Patrick Laux, Stefan Emeis
Climate Change and Health in Subsaharan Africa: Malaria Early Warning: Hydrometeorological- and Dynamical Malaria Transmission Forecasting (since 2019), Funding DFG
Contact: Diarra Dieng, Harald Kunstmann
Near-Realtime Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Prediction (RealPEP) (since 2019), Funding DFG
Contact: Christian Chwala, Harald Kunstmann
South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDi) (since 2019), Funding BMBF
Contact: Harald Kunstmann, Patrick Laux
AccHydro (since 2018), Funding DFG
Contact: Harald Kunstmann, Jianhui Wei
VIWAT (since 2018), Funding KAAG
Contact: Patrick Laux, Harald Kunstmann
Seasonal Water Resources Management in Semiarid Regions: Application-oriented Transfer of Regionalized Global Information (SaWaM) (since 2017), Funding BMBF
Contact: Harald Kunstmann, Christof Lorenz
High-Resolution Atmospheric Water Vapor Fields by Spaceborne Geodetic Sensing, Tomographic Fusion, and Atmospheric Modeling (AtmoWater) (since 2017), Funding DFG
Contact: Harald Kunstmann
Integrating Microwave Link Data For Analysis of Precipitation in Complex Terrain: Theoretical Aspects and Hydrometeorological Applications (IMAP) (since 2014), Funding DFG
Contact: Harald Kunstmann, Christian Chwala
WRF-Hydro (since 2012)
Contact: Harald Kunstmann, Benjamin Fersch